hello! welcome to my website!

I am a computer science student who likes to make game-projects in his free time. I do not wish to make games as a career but they are just fun to make for my hobby.

NEW: Check out Untitledcraft, my most recent game. Expect a 'story mode' to be published soon with an achievement system and npc dialogue.

Current games:

(2023) Web Game

Minimalistic block game in the same style of early internet 3D projects

(2022) Zip Game

A secret mission where you must infiltrate a well-guarded facility to reach a vault; adapt your strategy to overcome a sudden power outage.

(2021) Web Game

Navigate a pixelly knight through a dungeon to save a princess! Each retry the levels swap places and change layout so every run is unique.

Killroy's Big Day
(2021) Zip Game

A group of scientists claim to invent an 'unpunchable' object; now you must control a raging violent maniac to prove them all wrong

Upcoming games???