SHITWORLD by deklaswas

Shitworld is the most long-term video game title I've currently ever worked on. After doing short little beat-em-up's and platformer games for a while I decided to buckle down and embark on my first ever role-playing game. I don't want to give away too much about the game because I think everybody should go into it blind... BUT if you wanna know just a little then keep reading.

The premise isn't too wild. You're a peanut farmer in rural America trying to find your stolen peanut tree. All of the game's artwork is drawn with my mouse and using the pencil tool in ms paint. I've always just really liked the style of it, more so than brushes from any other drawing software. And most of the game is in black and white because I just think its more interesting. I don't do great with coloring. Some people call my style 'pixel art', and I guess it's technically true since you can see individual pixels, but I don't really consider it that.

The game is made in gamemaker studio. It's pretty cool, except they got bought by a company that is now rearranging all the stuff and making it lame. Now its a subscription service... but luckily I bought a license years ago so I can use it for as long as I want. My favourite part about gamemaker is its built-in sprite animator, it enabled me to do some cool animations in the game and I don't know if I would have been encouraged to do it if not for the feature

If you wanna see more of the game, there's an old public demo where you can play some very short levels. It's just enough to give you a feel of how the game's combat works. Other than that, if you wanna stay updated then join my discord or just browse my twitter I guess. I don't really expect this game to be out any time soon so be ready to wait...